Saturday, December 19, 2009

Business Videos in a Breeze

Why are most of the companies these days put up their own websites? Why are more businessmen hire bloggers and pay for ads on blogs and websites? Simple. Compared to expensive TV ads, magazine spreads and newspaper, promoting products in the world wide web reaches to more people. In fact, with facebook and twitter widely used, there is a trend paying users to drop a name of products in their status. By doing so, they earn.

Another way of reaching to more consumers is through the use of videos. Nothing compares to moving ads than mere text ads. Sites like Youtube are phenomenal. Videos are easily shared and compatible to most websites that creating a buzz and hype through videos has never been this convenient.

But what if you are a newbie and does not have the know how in making them attractive enough to entice consumers to watch and share them eventually? Viddler is for you. They offer video services for business. You need not be a tech savvy to create one. You can even make one with your laptop webcam and upload right away. If you want to customize it to match the theme of your business, you can do so with only a few clicks. Users are also free to add timed comments, ads, your company's custom logo and link it to your website. Like Youtube, viewers can easily embed it to their blogs and other social networking accounts.
Registering to Viddler comes with a fee. But wait, you will pay nothing in their 30 day trial to try out their services before deciding in finally paying for it and avail of their full features. If you want to make online videos for business in a breeze, Viddler is for you.

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