Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bye HK, Hello Pinas!

Arrived safe and dizzy from HK last Friday. Couldn't move my body due to exhaustion and my brain won't function. I planned to upload the truckload of pictures I took in HK but seeing how tired I am despite spending my day in bed yesterday, I still want more SLEEP. Classes start tomorrow. I'll be saying hello to stressful days jampacked with quizzes and messy schedules. I still need to focus on that, to reboot and focus my thoughts in school and say farewell to vacation.

Ugh, I wish I had a few more days to spend in HK. Everything there's so convenient. In fact, I marvelled at their efficient modes of transportation, thriving economy, towering skyscrapers, and law-abiding citizens one too many times. Every place I go, I can't help but mutter, 'Sana ganito sa Pinas.'

I can hear my bro yelling for me to go already, so this is it for now. I HAD FUN. And this is why I think I will spend much of my moolah for travelling. I can't wait.

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