Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Writing for Extra Money!

After the final results of the qualifying exam came out, I indulged on everything I missed doing for the last two months. I pondered at my blog's inactivity and thought of writing but I decided to read on my blogger friends' posts I had missed. My google news feed was filled with tons and tons of new posts. I have a lot of catching up to do.

I chanced on someone's entry about payouts. He summarized everything he has earned for the month of May. His Triond, Reviewstream and Squidoo earnings intrigued me the most. He is earning a decent lot from it. And this is earning bucks out of doing the things you love, WRITING! Writing just about anything. Triond and Squidoo allows you to write just about anything you come up with. The earnings, I guess, come from the traffic you draw through your articles. Don't ask me for tips. I don't know either. But I will find out later.

Although I enjoy earning a few bucks from webhosting reviews, the restriction on the topics available are usually outside my field of interest. One thing I love about doing these reviews is not just the money, but the new information you gain from it. You see, I don't only write. I research too. The more I research, the more I learn. And the happier your clients are because you give them informed articles.

What's there not to love about being able to express your thoughts through writing? It's therapeutic. Aaaaand, provides you with extra moolah (Again, another word from bestfriend.)!

I will update as soon as I can. Post pictures of upcoming activities like our college valedictorian's victory bash. BEACH PARTY!

And, hopefully, I could go on a short vacay in Dapitan City. *crossing fingers for that!*

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