Wha! Browsing through others' blogs made me realize I don't have a New Year's post.
So I made a collage of some sort of the memories I am grateful for in 2009.

The THANK YOU LIST! For You Lord.
- For my life. For the air I breathe in, for the sights and smells I experience everyday. For the comfort I have now that others don't have.
- For the gift of family. I have both parents and an adorable brother in spite of his mischief. It drives me crazy but life without him would be boring.
- The relatives! The cousins and aunties and grandparents.. and you know..
- The sets of friends that I have. For high school friends who remain true and loyal to me up to this day, my college friends who accompany me in my crazy journey in school, and other friends.
- For my home. For providing us with food and clothing. for the new laptop I am using now and my new phone.
- For our trips around the country and in HK and Macau.
- For letting me graduate last March.
- For giving me another year to look forward to.
There are many, many, many more. But fitting them in in this one post is but impossible.
I pray in this new year, I can accomplish more and be a better person. Let me serve for Your purpose. Allow me to see through Your plans for I am only human and my mind is incapable of understanding the wisdom behind everything happening. All I ask is the wisdom and the strength for me to face it all and emerge triumphant with Your guidance.
PS kind of late for a new year post eh? but as they say.. better late then never. Ayt?
(gosh. i just had a depressing post down below. this might mean I'm kind of okay? I wish. I should be)
late greetings te jade here in blogspot, hehe. happy new year! :))
Better late than never right?
Thank you. Happy New Year!
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