Sunday, December 27, 2009

Summer Flick of 2010: Sex and the City 2!!!

I just got home from a high school batch reunion. After four years, hanging out with them is still loads and loads of fun. You hear a lot of laughs, excited squeals as one shows up at the gate, sharing drinks while talking about old days and catching up with everyone for lost time. I badly wanted to stay a while longer, but I am tired. I need rest. Regardless, seeing all those faces after what seems like a long time, is exhilirating. You want to hug and talk everyone in the room right away! I just love Christmas and reunions. *big, big grin!* Will post pictures if I can.

Anyway, I wrote because again, like any other girls I know who loves clothes, bags and shoes, I could not contain my excitement for the sequel to SEX AND THE CITY!!! Showing in theaters on May 2010! Roughly around 5 months from now ( brain refuses to function)? YEY!!! Check out the trailer. They all look sooo fab. I just adore Samantha. And her eye candies. The men. Uhuh. It ain't SATC without 'em.

In tribute to Singles' Awareness Day, er, Valentine's Day, there's a movie coming out with a powerful cast. To name a few: Julia Roberts, Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Taylor Swift.. All of them in one movie in theaters in February 12, 2010, VALENTINE'S DAY! Check out the trailer.


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