Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hollywood Lovin'

How do you score a girl's attention? First, you have to look good and smell clean. Second, you must spark her interest by striking pick up liners that either take her breath away or make her puke out of pure cheesiness leaving you dejected and embarrassed like hell. The latter is not a seemingly good outcome. So for love neophytes, hooking up with someone is the hardest thing they ever get themselves in. It requires practice on choosing the right lines.

Others use the tried and tested ones, well, in movies that is. Movie lines which won the lead woman character's affection so newbies tend to imitate 'word for word' hoping it will help them too in luring a woman to them. Lines like 'Hey would you, uhm, love me for the rest of your life?' from the movie Phenomenon might work. BUT, it's not guaranteed so there is still that big chance of getting rejected and you don't want to expose yourself to that kind of embarrassment.

Still, hope is not lost for I offer you the Extreme Style VO5's Ultimate Championship where your pick up liners are put to test without being horribly ashamed. It's of course a flirting game. There are judges who make you try classic lines and see if it actually works. You must outflirt your opponents and be as suave as you can get to emerge as the champion. Not only will you learn out of playing this game but you also score freebies too.

Are you a desperate neophyte? Come and join the latest craze. Click the widget below to start playing!

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