Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Batman 3: Johnny Depp to Play Next Villain

future JOKER?

With the astounding success of the Dark Knight movie, everyone can't stop singing their praises. While it's still on the box office top spot raking millions and millions every week, fans are anxiously waiting for the third flick already (more-than-satisfied-getting-filthy-rich producers couldn't be happier).

Heath Ledger's last onscreen performance left everyone breathless for more hence the succeeding villains are gonna carry the burden of outdoing it and the Batman team should pick someone brilliant! And sure they did IF the rumors going around the web is true that the versatile, box-office actor Johnny Depp is said to be signing a contract making him the next villain playing the super-bad Riddler.

Other possible choices are floating around too like Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin and Angelina Jolie the wearing the uber-tight suit of Catwoman (oh my holy moly! please pick the latter) In any case, if Jolie's to be picked, boy and girl fans alike's gonna be brain dead with the mere idea.

the next PENGUIN?

the next CATWOMAN?

However, I doubt the Batman team has ever picked the next villain. Hello?! They're still busy happily immersing themselves with their success and the MONEY they're raking in. This just shows how much fans anticipate the third flick.

PS Please choose Jolie. She's the perfect baddie chick. Just look at how Wanted turned out. Frankly, without her, I could've dozed off.

1 comment:

Jellie Dawn said...

Same post with mine... **,

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